Power Electronics Facing Technical Challenges of a New Era of Electric Energy Systems-Slides
Jinjun Liu
IEEE Members: $8.00
Non-members: $12.00Pages/Slides: 50
Abstract: Electric energy systems entering into a new era have been experiencing many changes towards the future, among which turning into more electronic, i.e. integrating more and more electronic power converters, and incorporating more and more distributed generations are the two major ones. The technical challenges that power electronics will be facing accordingly are then identified one by one. The major issues caused by becoming more electronic and more distributed are discussed. The issues that are to some extent in dispute among different technical people with different backgrounds are also elaborated, including the concern about system inertia reduction, the worry about lower transient over-current tolerance, and the new system framework and specifications that need to be set up. Proposed power electronics solutions supported by most recent research results are illustrated in more detail in the end, with examples more concentrated in the area of communication-free coordinative control of paralleled interfacing inverters for distributed energy sources.
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