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  • PELS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 01:04:24
04 Jan 2022

Abstract: This webinar presentation will begin with an outline on the role of control in traditional power-electronic systems and networks and how they shape the behavior of such hybrid dynamical systems. Subsequently, an overview of the traditional power-electronic control, analysis, and modeling approaches will be provided along with brief discussions on their strengths and limitations. That leads to the future of controls in power electronics (and what should and could be done beyond traditional power-electronic control) that address existing, evolving, and future applications needs and encompassing wide variation in temporal and spatial scales? This webinar will provide some insights on how and what radically-new ideas may need to be synthesized that reach far beyond historical and conventional power-electronic control needs with applications including but not limited to sustainable-energy systems.

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