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  • PELS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 1:05:23
17 Dec 2020

Abstract: Distributed energy resources (DERs) are rapidly growing in the global electricity market, while power electronics technologies enable additional functionalities and value-added services based on DERs. The Power Electronics Society has launched the project to develop the IEEE International Technology Roadmap of Power Electronics for Distributed Energy Resources (ITRD). The mandates of ITRD are to develop technology roadmap documents and associated publications through projecting the long-term technological developments and applications of power electronics for DERs, and to identify opportunities of new standards. ITRD intends to provide reference and guidance to stakeholders in power electronics for DERs, serving academia, industry, national labs, and research organizations.

Dr. Liuchen Chang will introduce ITRD in this webinar. He will provide an overview of global DER market growth; evolution of DER interconnection standards; ITRD organizational structure and expected outcomes; ITRD working groups and their scopes; and the contents of the first ITRD white paper. The six working groups of ITRD include: Integrated Power Components and Subsystems; Power Conversion for DERs; Integration and Control of DERs; Security, Protection and Resilience for DERs; MV and HV Technologies for DERs; Testing and Validation. Dr. Chang will present a review of the power system support functions from renewable DER inverters, including voltage regulation by active/reactive power control, frequency regulation by active power control, voltage ride-through, and frequency ride-through.

Primary Committee: