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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 01:03:50
18 Dec 0018

Power electronics based systems such as Flexible AC Transmission Systems FACTS technologies provide proven technical solutions to allow for improved power system operation with minimal infrastructure investment, in response to generation retirement, renewable interconnection and enforcement of system reliability. With increasing levels of renewable penetration and decommissioning of existing thermal plants, the U.S. transmission system is facing increasing challenges with voltage control and stability. Fluctuating power output from renewables combined with weaker network conditions from thermal generation retirements has resulted in difficulties to maintain a reliable and robust network. Flexible AC transmission systems FACTS systems should be incorporated in the candidate solution portfolio of transmission planning engineers in utilities and Independent System Operators alike. This webinar will provide an excellent overview of the Static Var Compensator SVC and Static Synchronous Compensator STATCOM FACTS systems and will discuss the system and site-specific studies and tools recommended in order to implement successful and robust FACTS projects.

Primary Committee:
IEEE Power & Energy Society Webinar Series

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