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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 00:53:06
22 May 2015

One of the components that can make or break a Smart Grid, SG, deployment is the design of the underlying telecommunications network that's used to support functions such as protection, control, real time operation, and SCADA. An improper telecom strategy and design invariably leads to high O&M costs, reliability problems, network downtime, exorbitant capital spending, and reduced ability to extract maximum benefit and efficiency from the SG application. In order to avoid these undesirable situations, a strategic telecom planning study should be performed as one of the earliest steps of any SG project The study should assess different communication technologies and architectures on the basis of 1. coverage; 2. operational performance; 3. cost; 4. compliance with standards and regulatory agencies; and 5. security. Consultants/engineers vary in their choice of different tools and methodologies to assess these items with each leading to different degrees of accuracy in the analysis. How can you ensure you take the right approach to telecom planning, and ensure the success of your Smart Grid project? Managers and engineers involved with technology integration, distribution, asset management, and telecom will benefit from this webinar.

Primary Committee:
IEEE Power & Energy Society Webinar Series