Slides for: Seventy Years of Radar and Communications: The Road from Separation to Integration
Dr. Fan Liu, Dr. Christos Masouros, Dr. Le Zhang, Dr. Yuanhao Cui
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Pages/Slides: 73
Radar and communications (R&C) as key utilities of electromagnetic (EM) waves, have fundamentally shaped human society and triggered the modern information age. Although R&C have been historically progressing separately, in recent decades they have been converging towards integration, forming integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, giving rise to new, highly desirable capabilities in next-generation wireless networks and future radars. To better understand the essence of ISAC, this webinar provides a systematic overview on the historical development of R&C from a signal processing (SP) perspective. We first interpret the duality between R&C as signals and systems, followed by an introduction of their fundamental principles. We then elaborate on the two main trends in their technological evolution, namely, the increase of frequencies and bandwidths, and the expansion of antenna arrays. We then show how the intertwined narratives of R&C evolved into ISAC and discuss the resultant SP framework. Finally, we overview future research directions in this field.