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  • SSCS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $8.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 1:02:51
04 Oct 2023

Abstract: Join us for an exclusive webinar as we explore the journey to becoming an IEEE Fellow�a prestigious recognition in the field of technology and innovation. This webinar will provide invaluable insights into the IEEE Fellow application process, share success stories from esteemed IEEE Fellows, and offer guidance on how to make significant contributions to the IEEE community. The panel will discuss the difference between applying as a Research Engineer/Scientist vs. a Technical Leader and will share a rubric to determine which nomination category your contributions would fit best. The panelists will also explain best practices for a nominator to create the strongest nomination package for their candidate. If you even have a little curiosity about becoming an IEEE Fellow please join us!

Primary Committee:

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