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  • TEC
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 53.20
09 Feb 2023

Abstract: There is nothing complicated about opening the door to your gas tank and inserting the nozzle. One plug could give three miles an hour; another could give 13 miles an hour; a third could give 27 miles an hour; and a fourth could give 180 miles in 30 minutes. No matter what happens at a gas station, it only takes five minutes to fill up the tank once you get going. Charging takes some planning. So, it aims to develop the different unidirectional dc-dc converter with high power density, higher efficiency, low voltage spikes, full range soft switching with emphasis on electrical and magnetic component selection. The research examines the customized pulse width modulation (cPWM) based converter topologies for electric vehicle charging purposes. By using the proposed cPWM gating technique the device stress gets reduced which proportionally enhances the lifetime of the converter topology. The proposed unidirectional topology pursues the soft-switching behavior over full battery charging range and the voltage spikes across the rectifier diodes are also mitigated with the proper selection of switches at a particular frequency. This phenomenon enhances the efficiency of the converter in a cost-effective way.

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