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16 Feb 2024

Real-Time Battlefield Casualty Care Decision Support Professor Christopher Nemeth, Principal Scientist, Applied Research Associates Christopher Nemeth, PhD, CHFP, is a Principal Scientist with Applied Research Associates, a 2000-member national science and engineering consulting firm. His 26-year academic career has included seven years in the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care at the University of Chicago Medical Center, and adjunct positions with Northwestern University’s McCormick College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Associate Professor), and Illinois Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow of both Applied Research Associates and the Design Research Society, a Life Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and has served 8 years as a member of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Board of Governors. He retired from the Navy in 2001 at the rank of Captain after a 30-year active duty and reserve career. Abstract: The Trauma Triage Treatment and Training Decision Support (4TDS) system is an operating prototype that provides real-time casualty data and trend indications to medics and clinicians in austere battlefield settings. Using only six vital signs, machine learning models scan vital signs data to detect risk of internal hemorrhage, probability of need for massive transfusion, and likelihood of impending shock. Participatory design from initial development through field evaluation with 00 military medical professionals aligned 4TDS with needs to support Tactical Combat Casualty Cate (TCCC) and Prolonged Field Care (PFC).