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    Length: 00:38:08
16 Mar 2017

Jos� C. Pr�ncipe, Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering, a Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and the Don D. and Ruth S. Eckis Chair of Electrical Engineering with the University of Florida, Life IEEE Fellow. He is the founding Director of the Computational Neuroengineering Laboratory. His primary research interests include advanced signal processing with information-theoretic criteria, information-theoretic learning, and adaptive models in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, with applications to deep learning, reinforcement learning, and brain�machine interfaces.,Dr. Pr�ncipe was the recipient of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Career Award, the IEEE Neural Network Pioneer Award, and the IEEE Signal Processing Society Claude Shannon-Harry Nyquist Technical Achievement Award. He is a Fellow of academy for biological and medical engineering (ABME) and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

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