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    Length: 00:50:56
01 Apr 2017

Kunihiko Fukushima, Senior Research Scientist at Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute. Fukushima was a professor at several universities, including Osaka University, the University of Electro-Communications, and Tokyo University of Technology. He was a senior research scientist at NHK Science and Technology Research Laboratories and currently holds a part-time position as a senior research scientist at the Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute. He was the founding president of the Japanese Neural Network Society and a founding member of the Board of Governors of the International Neural Network Society. He is also a former president of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly. Fukushima's research focuses on modeling neural networks of the brain, particularly the visual system. He is credited with inventing "neocognitron" a deep convolutional neural network that can recognize visual patterns through learning. Fukushima has also developed various neural network models for extracting visual motion, optic flow, symmetry axis, and more. He is currently interested in exploring new learning rules for neural networks.

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