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P&E Magazine 01 Aug 2019

This issue's features: Smart and Green Substations - by: Heejin Kim, Jae-Kyeong Kim, Jiyoung Song, Jaegul Lee, Kisun Han, Jeonghoon Shin, Taekyun Kim, and Kyeon Hur, Synchronous Condenser Applications - by: George Zhou, David Wang, Adham Atallah, Frank McElvain, Ram Nath, John Jontry, Christopher Bolton, Huang Lin, and Andreas Haselbauer, The Substation of the Future - by: Rich Hunt, Byron Flynn, and Terry Smith, Substations for Future HVdc Grids - by: Dirk Van Hertem, Willem Leterme, Geraint Chaffey, Mudar Abedrabbo, Mian Wang, Firew Zerihun, and Mike Barnes, Offshore Substation Design - by: Vandad Hamadi, �na Brosnan, Ingar Loftus, and Gavin Montgomery, Managing the New Grid - by: Julio Romero Ag?ero, Damir Novosel, Emanuel Bernabeu, Bill Chiu, Jay Liu, Veronika Rabl, Thomas Pierpoint, Doug Houseman, Babak Enayati, and Sharma Kolluri