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Power & Energy Magazine - April 2022 Show Issue & Technical Program

Ivan Hojsak,Michael Longoria,Mital Kanabar, John McDonald,Palak Parikh, Naeem Siddiqui, Scott Mason, Chris Watts

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $19.99
    Non-members: $39.99
    Pages/Slides: 153
19 Apr 2022

A reconnect in the Big Easy AFTER WHAT WILL BE FOUR LONG years apart, the 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society’s Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Conference & Exposition will provide an opportunity to reconnect as a global community of energy professionals in New Orleans. I want to acknowledge that since March 2020, our lives have changed drastically. COVID-19 swept across the world and impacted all of us. My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one, and my prayers are with those who are ill or suffering. The Power and Energy Society lost our own brave leader and dear friend Frank Lambert. PES recognizes and appreciates Frank for his effective and exemplary leadership, integrity, and dedication to the Society. In his PES roles, he made countless friends aroundthe world. His absence shall be deeplyfelt by all who had the pleasure of working with and meeting him.

Held once every two years with more than 700 exhibitors, the T&D conference attracts nearly 12,000 attendees from around the world, including executives and decision-makers from electric utilities, engineering consulting firms, power producers, energy manufacturers, information technology and software solution providers, and more. The pandemic and recent climate disruptions showed not only how critical the T&D industry can be, but also the complex challenges that lie ahead. To meet the new challenges, the 2022 T&D conference will showcase two new, exciting high points on the T&D expo floor and offer an exclusive T&D Utility Saver package