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Methods for Analysis and Quantification of Power System Resilience (TR 108)

Alex M. Stankovic, Kevin L. Tomsovic, Fabrizio De Caro, Martin Braun, Joe H. Chow,Ninel ?ukalevski, Ian Dobson, Joe Eto, Blair Fink, Christian Hachmann, David Hill, Chuanyi Ji, James A. Kavicky, Victor Levi, Chen-Ching Liu, Lamine Mili, Rodrigo Moreno, Mathaios Panteli, Frederic D. Petit, Giovanni Sansavini,Chanan Singh, Anurag K. Srivastava, Kai Strunz, Hongbo Sun, Yin Xu, Shijia Zhao

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $45.00
    Non-members: $70.00
    Pages/Slides: 110
22 May 2023

This report summarizes the work of the IEEE PES Task Force sponsored by the PSDS and AMPS committees. Resilience is a relatively new technical concept for power systems, and it is essential to precisely delineate this concept for actual applications. As a critical infrastructure, power systems have to be prepared to survive rare but extreme incidents (natural catastrophes, extreme weather events, physical/cyber-attacks, equipment failure cascades, etc.) to guarantee power supply to the increasingly electricity-dependent economy and society. Thus, resilience must be integrated into planning and operational assessment to design and operate adequately resilient power systems. Quantification of resilience as a key performance indicator is valuable, together with costs and reliability. Quantification can evaluate existing power systems and identify resilience improvements in future power systems. Given that a 100% resilient system is not economic (or even technically achievable), the degree of resilience should be transparent and comprehensible. Several gaps are identified to indicate further needs for research and development.

Chair: Alex M. Stankovic
Primary Committee:
Power System Dynamic Performance (PSDP); Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS)
Sponsor Committees:
Joint Task Force on Methods for Analysis and Quantification of Power System Resilience

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  • PES
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