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Mathematical Models for Current, Voltage, and Capacitively Coupled Voltage Transformers (TR117)

Michael Meisinger, Steve Turner, Amir Makki, Alejandro Avendano, Yue Chen, Ritwik Chowdhury, Normann Fischer, Robert Frye, Juan Gers, Ljubomir Kojovic, Yuan Liao, Federico Lopez, Peter McLaren, Sakis Meliopoulos, James Niemira, Dean Ouellette, Athula Rajapakse, Demetrios Tziouvaras, Jim van de Ligt, and Jack Wilson

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $45.00
    Non-members: $70.00
    Pages/Slides: 55
13 Nov 2023

This report reviews and presents several mathematical models of instrument transformers, including those used to represent the nonlinear magnetic core of instrument transformers. The transient response of the instrument transformer is compared to test results recorded in the laboratory. The report provides practical guidelines as to which of the physical elements of instrument transformers are important to model during transient studies and which elements may be ignored without sacrificing the accuracy of the simulation results. The Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) data files used to generate the models are also provided in an appendix to help new EMTP users model instrument transformers for evaluation of high-speed protective relaying systems.

Michael Thompson
Sponsor Committees:
Power System Relaying and Control Committee (PSRC)