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Maintaining Electric Reliability with Changing Resource Mix

Babu Chalamala, Ralph Masiello, Jay Liu, Damir Novosel, Clyde Loutan, Ryan Quint, Xiaochuan Luo, Liuxi Zhang

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 19
White Paper 17 Sep 2021

The purpose of this brief written testimony is to provide an IEEE viewpoint in response to the FERC 2021 Reliability Technical Conference (Docket No. AD21-11-000). IEEE representative, Aleksi Paaso, will be on the Panel IV, Maintaining Electric Reliability with Changing Resource Mix. This panel will explore what specific changes, in both the planning and operations time horizons, are required to enhance the addition and participation of resources with necessary attributes (e.g., dispatchability and ramping) as the resource mix evolves to include more Inverter Based Resources (IBRs). Such potential changes could encompass necessary operating characteristics of required resources, power system performance requirements, reserve product definitions and reserve holding obligations, and coordinating planning and operations across larger geographic regions. These remarks include contributions from the members of the IEEE Power & Energy Society Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee. The diversity of the IEEE membership across private and public sectors provides a balanced, unbiased, and independent viewpoint.

Aleksi Paaso, IEEE PES ITS-LC, Vice Chair
Primary Committee:
Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee (ITSLC)
Sponsor Committees:
Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee (ITSLC)