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Green Energy Talks Series – Renewable Integration

Kaveh Aflaki, Hamed Heyhat, Carlos Rodriguez, Arash Ghodsian, Rhonda Peters, and Deepesh Rana

  • Sponsoring Society
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $20.00
    Non-members: $35.00
    Length: 56:38:00
04 Nov 2021

The United States recently shared its infrastructure plan to build world-class infrastructure, including a renewed electric grid and a path to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035. However, today’s electric grid is vulnerable to catastrophic outages and needs to build a more resilient electric transmission & distribution system for reliable, cleaner, and safer electricity to all.Developers play one of the primary roles as investors in developing bulk renewable generations. However, there are many challenges that they need to overcome through their common practice to get to a point where they can produce and not be curtailed. This panel session will focus on:- Ways to combat the trend toward longer time spent in the queue- Interconnection-related network upgrade funding options – pros/cons of crediting policy, participant funding policy, and utility-funded with a rate of return- Strategies/experience of RTOs including GETs in their GI-related studies as a solution to related grid constraints/overloads and associated impact on RES development- Developer influence over network solution to GI-related constraints and preferred engagement in the GI planning process