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  • Sponsoring Society
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    Length: 01:04:19
Panel 30 Sep 2020

A key technological challenge of smart cities is the need to process in real-time extremely large amounts of complex, heterogenous and geographically distributed sources of data (citizens, traffic, vehicles – hybrid or electrical, city infrastructures, IoT devices, smart grid, etc.). This data analytics has a crucial role to play in helping these smart cities to become zero-carbon, improve urban mobility, and better manage their infrastructure in a secure, sustainable and cost-effective manner. For example, can you imagine a city where data is shared between city, transportation systems and cars in real time to implement intelligent traffic management, advanced driver assistance systems, helping to optimize connections between modes of transport for faster travel times, reduce the costs of operation, and increase convenience through improved information services for users. The potential is immense, but there are still different challenges to be addressed (data integration, data privacy, etc.) Listen to a panel of experts discuss what and how data analytics can help to solve urban mobility problems in smart cities.

Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Cities Conferences

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