IEEE Members: $10.00
Non-members: $20.00Length: 30:00
Bottleneck Analysis in JFK Using Discrete Event Simulation: An Airport Queuing Model Joseph Lai and Leslie Che (IVEY Business School, Canada); Rasha Kashef (Ryerson University, Canada)
Vulnerable Road Users Safety in Infrastructure Assisted Intelligent Transportation System Vesh Raj Sharma Banjade (Intel Corporation & Intel Labs, USA); Satish Chandra Jha and Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan (Intel Corporation, USA); Leonardo Gomes Baltar (Intel Deutschland GmbH, Germany); Suman Sehra (Intel Corporation, USA); Soo Jin Tan (Intel Corporation, China)
Towards a Real-time System based on Regression Model to Evaluate Driver's Attention Thiago Lago and Ernesto Gonz?lez (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Miguel Elias Mitre Campista (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro & GTA, Brazil)
Trip Distribution Patterns on a University Campus: A Smarter Travel Demand Forecasting Approach Matthew Vechione and Sohil Paudel (The University of Texas at Tyler, USA); Okan Gurbuz (Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA)
Vulnerable Road Users Safety in Infrastructure Assisted Intelligent Transportation System Vesh Raj Sharma Banjade (Intel Corporation & Intel Labs, USA); Satish Chandra Jha and Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan (Intel Corporation, USA); Leonardo Gomes Baltar (Intel Deutschland GmbH, Germany); Suman Sehra (Intel Corporation, USA); Soo Jin Tan (Intel Corporation, China)
Towards a Real-time System based on Regression Model to Evaluate Driver's Attention Thiago Lago and Ernesto Gonz?lez (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Miguel Elias Mitre Campista (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro & GTA, Brazil)
Trip Distribution Patterns on a University Campus: A Smarter Travel Demand Forecasting Approach Matthew Vechione and Sohil Paudel (The University of Texas at Tyler, USA); Okan Gurbuz (Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA)
Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Cities Conferences