February - Empowering Energy Citizens and Energy Communities for Smart Cities - Part 2
Shafi Khahem, Anna Gorbatcheva, Nicole Watson, David Shipworth, Shafi Khadem, and Alexandra Schneiders, Benedict Vergara, Rachel Gray, Payman Dehghanian, and Saniya LeBlanc, Vinod Pangracious
Sponsoring Society
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Pages/Slides: 22 pages
This is the second issue in a series on Empowering Energy Citizens and Energy Communities for Smart Cities featuring a foreword by Shafi Khahem, "Global perspectives on Peer-to-Peer, Community Self-Consumption & Transactive Energy Models," "Empowering Communities through Transparent and Interpretable Energy Modeling Platforms," and "Smart Energy for Smart Cities"